Sunday, June 21, 2009

May all sentient being find true, enduring happiness

Down through the ages, thinkers, philosophers, mystics, and theologians have debated the question, "What is the highest good, the summum bonum ?"

It was a happy day for me when I resolved this question for myself. The solution came from the Buddhist tradition. There can be no higher purpose in life than to work toward the maximal happiness and well-being of all sentient creatures throughout all space and time.

All great philosophies and spiritual traditions of humankind have sought to achieve this ideal in different ways. They have often disagreed on the best path to this goal. But the greatest philosophies have agreed on the goal itself.

It is a noble goal, and in any given moment, it can only be achieved in part. But to the extent that we work to achieve it, to that extent our lives are successful.

May all sentient beings -- throughout all space and time, achieve true, enduring happiness to the greatest degree possible each moment!

And may this be true for you as well, my friend -- whosoe'er you may be!

May Wisdom and Compassion be with you always and forever....
